10 years of values-based, quality service
Boom Training was established in 2014 as an apprenticeship training provider, with a strong focus on providing a high quality experience for our client employers and learners. Since then we have grown to deliver a wide range of programmes throughout England. Our portfolio currently includes:
15 apprenticeship standards covering Data Analysis, ICT, Leadership & Management, Marketing, Finance and HR. For a full list please visit our Apprenticeships page.
Nationally recognised qualifications
11 qualifications in Management, Finance, Customer Service and Business administration. Qualifications are offered on a commercial basis, often as a more flexible alternative to an apprenticeship. These can be delivered anywhere in the UK (or internationally). For more information, please visit our Qualifications page.
Short courses
Currently 22 titles in Leadership and Management subjects, also available anywhere. For more information, please visit our Short Courses page.
Bespoke training
Tailor-made solutions for individual employers, available anywhere. For more information, pleasse visit our Bespoke Training page.
Our portfolio continues to evolve and we welcome enquiries for courses not currently included in the portfolio. We are always happy to provide impartial information and advice and help with referral to other training organisations where this is best.
For free, informal, impartial and friendly information and advice about any of the above, please:
Our apprenticeship training is regulated by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (part of the Department for Education). We were inspected by Ofsted in June 2021 and graded 'Good'. The report of the inspection is available here.
Vision Statement
Our vision is for Boom Training to become:
- A medium-sized training provider with a turnover of c.£1.5m
- A completely online provider able to deliver training anywhere
- A provider of solutions that meet genuine employer needs as well as supporting individual career development
- A specialist in office-based professional occupations with a particular focus on Digital skills and professions
- Respected by employers, learners and other stakeholders as a provider of high quality services and training
Mission Statement
We see our primary purpose as being twofold:
- To provide learning and development solutions that make a meaningful difference to the performance and success of our client employers.
- To make a significant difference to the working lives of our learners by developing knowledge, skills and behaviours that enhance their careers and enable them to develop as active citizens.
These are our core values:
In addition to the above, Boom Training espouses and promotes the fundamental British Values of:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance
These values will be reflected in the decisions that we make and the actions that we take at all times. All behaviour, by all staff, at all times will conform with these values. We will also seek to instill these values in our apprentices through their training programmes.
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that govern our operations. We ask both employers and learners to familiarise themselves with these policies and procedures and to act in accordance with them whilst working with us. Please click on the links to read the full document.
Boom Training is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040 for emissions scopes 1, 2 and 3. The commitment was made on 01/03/2024 by the Senior Management Team.